It’s time for one of the most exciting important parts: transforms! This is probably one of the last few posts on this blog (at least for this year), since GSoC 2019 is almost finished and I’m wrapping up my project soon. In this post, I’ll explain how I implemented key, index, and path transforms to allow querying with JSON values. Actually, they aren’t made into different transforms, but a transform (called KeyTransform) that can be chained to form a JSON path. Then, we can do a lookup with the value at that path.

The following is the demonstration from the docs.

To query based on a given dictionary key, simply use that key as the lookup name:

>>> Dog.objects.create(name='Rufus', data={
...     'breed': 'labrador',
...     'owner': {
...         'name': 'Bob',
...         'other_pets': [{
...             'name': 'Fishy',
...         }],
...     },
... })
>>> Dog.objects.create(name='Meg', data={'breed': 'collie', 'owner': None})

>>> Dog.objects.filter(data__breed='collie')
<QuerySet [<Dog: Meg>]>

Multiple keys can be chained together to form a path transform:

>>> Dog.objects.filter(data__owner__name='Bob')
<QuerySet [<Dog: Rufus>]>

If the key is an integer, it will be interpreted as an index transform in an array:

>>> Dog.objects.filter(data__owner__other_pets__0__name='Fishy')
<QuerySet [<Dog: Rufus>]>

Note that the transform examples given above implicitly use the exact lookup.


On PostgreSQL, if only one key or index is used, the SQL operator -> is used. If multiple operators are used then the #> operator is used. For example, the last lookup translates into the following SQL query:

SELECT * FROM myapp_dog WHERE (data #> ['owner', 'other_pets', '0', 'name']) = 'Fishy'

If the transform is chained with a lookup expecting a text lhs, the operators used are ->> and #>>, respectively.

MySQL and MariaDB

On MySQL and MariaDB, we can make use of the JSON_EXTRACT function. The function accepts at least two arguments: the JSON document and the path. However, instead of an array, the path is a JSONPath string. So, the query becomes:

SELECT * FROM myapp_dog WHERE JSON_EXTRACT(data, '$.owner.other_pets[0].name') = '"Fishy"'

Except… things aren’t that easy.

The exact lookup isn’t always used with scalar right-hand-side value in Python. We also want to be able to use dictionaries and lists, so we can do something like:

>>> Dog.objects.filter(data__owner__other_pets__0={'name': 'Fishy'})
<QuerySet [<Dog: Rufus>]>

For some reason, using just a JSON-encoded RHS doesn’t always work. I’ve spent a lot of time trying to get it right on both MySQL and MariaDB with many lookup cases without making the code look too complex and confusing. I can’t remember all of the attempts I’ve tried.

In the end, I managed to do it by also wrapping the RHS with JSON_EXTRACT, but with '$' (root) as the path. It’s kind of like the trick I did on Oracle in the previous post, except that I don’t have to wrap it inside a JSON object with the "val" key because MySQL and MariaDB support storing scalar JSON values.

So now, the previous SQL query for the data__owner__other_pets__0__name='Fishy' lookup becomes:

SELECT * FROM myapp_dog
WHERE JSON_EXTRACT(data, '$.owner.other_pets[0].name') =
JSON_EXTRACT('"Fishy"', '$')

However, on MariaDB, that conditional returns false. After some fiddling, I found that I have to wrap the RHS with JSON_UNQUOTE to yield a result. Now, the query becomes like this (only if the RHS is a string):

SELECT * FROM myapp_dog
WHERE JSON_EXTRACT(data, '$.owner.other_pets[0].name') =

Funnily, as you can see on the fiddle, the expression itself actually still returns false (0). I have no idea why. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

If you think that I probably should also wrap the LHS with JSON_UNQUOTE, well… I thought so, too. However, doing that will actually mess things up if the value returned by JSON_EXTRACT is a JSON object or array, because it seems that JSON_UNQUOTE will convert it into a normal string. I’m not entirely sure if that’s the case, but I ran the tests and some queries failed to retrieve what they’re supposed to. So, I ended up doing this only for lookups that expect a text LHS (and the above case with MariaDB). Conveniently, the existing PostgreSQL implementation also does something similar by having a mixin called KeyTransformTextLookupMixin.

That’s just for exact lookup. Thankfully, other lookups that can be applied to a KeyTransform only expect scalar values. By unquoting the extracted JSON value on MySQL and MariaDB, lookups that expect text LHS like contains (the original one), startswith, and endswith can be implemented just by inheriting the mixin and the lookups.

However, there’s another problem. For some reason, LIKE operator on MySQL doesn’t really like (heh) JSON strings. Look at this fiddle for illustration. On MariaDB, the LIKE operator at least works correctly for case-insensitive matching when JSON_UNQUOTE is applied. Try switching into MySQL with the same fiddle and you can see that it’s not the case (heh).

In order for case-insensitive matching to work, we have to convert both side to lowercase (or uppercase). This can easily be done by creating another mixin, let’s call it CaseInsensitiveMixin, and wrapping the LHS and RHS with LOWER() in its process_lhs and process_rhs methods.

For numeric lookups (i.e. lt, lte, gt, gte), I decided to create another mixin called KeyTransformNumericLookupMixin. The original PostgreSQL implementation didn’t have this mixin and just leave the lookups to the superclass. I’m not really sure how, but it just works. Even the RHS is still a JSON-encoded numeric value, which means we pass it as a string to psycopg2.

For all other backends, we just need to do json.loads on the RHS to decode it into numerical values (int, float). Oh, and obviously, we don’t wrap the LHS with JSON_UNQUOTE in the mixin to avoid converting the LHS to string. On Oracle database, we need to wrap the LHS with TO_NUMBER to convert the LHS to numeric.

One thing I don’t really get is how MariaDB can correctly do numeric comparisons with values retrieved by JSON_EXTRACT, but it can’t do ordering by numeric JSON values retrieved by JSON_EXTRACT. Instead, it orders the data by the string representation of the numeric values. Oh, well…

Fun fact: while writing this post, I realized I made a mistake and used KeyTransformTextLookupMixin on numeric lookups as well. I hadn’t even created the KeyTransformNumericLookupMixin. The tests still passed because the test data were too simple and comparing the string representation of the numeric values would yield the same result as if we’re comparing the actual numbers. For example, 4 < 7 and '4' < '7' are both true. I’ve fixed the tests and the implementation, so it should work correctly now.

That’s pretty much it for the transforms on MySQL and MariaDB. Oh, and you might have read from somewhere that MySQL also has the -> and ->> operator to extract JSON values like on PostgreSQL. The -> operator is actually a shorthand for JSON_EXTRACT() and the ->> operator is a shorthand for JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT()). However, MariaDB hasn’t got those two operators yet, so I decided not to use it to avoid diverging the code too much between the two.


On Oracle Database, it’s pretty much the same except that instead of using JSON_EXTRACT, we use JSON_QUERY and JSON_VALUE. As I explained in my previous post, JSON_QUERY is used to retrieve JSON objects and arrays, while JSON_VALUE is used to retrieve JSON scalar values. However, since a transform is only used to, well, transform the LHS (correct me if I’m wrong here), we cannot know whether we should use JSON_QUERY or JSON_VALUE. In the end, I decided to make use of the COALESCE function to combine the two.

For the exact lookup, as I also explained in my previous post, it’s much easier to wrap the RHS with a dummy JSON object and call JSON_QUERY or JSON_VALUE on that object. We also do that here.

So, the data__owner__other_pets__0__name='Fishy' lookup translates into:

SELECT * FROM myapp_dog
    JSON_QUERY(data, '$.owner.other_pets[0].name'),
    JSON_VALUE(data, '$.owner.other_pets[0].name')
) = JSON_VALUE('{"val": "Fishy"}', '$.val')

I could simplify the LHS so that it only use either JSON_QUERY or JSON_VALUE, but that can only be determined by checking the RHS. I think it wouldn’t make sense to do that in process_lhs method.

After that’s done, we just need to fix some things. First, we need to fix exact lookup if the RHS is None, which means that the path exists but the value is JSON null. Both JSON_QUERY and JSON_VALUE returns SQL NULL if the value at the path is JSON null. Which is also the case if the path doesn’t exist. So, what do we do?

Thankfully, JSON_EXISTS exists (heh) on Oracle. Therefore, we can define the WHERE clause as something like:


Which basically reads, “the path exists, but the value is null”, and that’s exactly what we want.

Next, we need to fix isnull lookup. If the RHS is False, there’s no problem as we can just use JSON_EXISTS. However, if the RHS is True, NOT JSON_EXISTS only returns true if the JSON path doesn’t exist and the data is not empty. We need to fix the condition so it also returns true when the data is empty. So, we need to append the condition with OR JSON_QUERY(column_name, '$') IS NULL.

Finally, we need to fix numeric lookups. It’s simple as we just need to wrap the LHS with TO_NUMBER to cast it into a, well… number.


I have to hand it to SQLite: the JSON1 extension works so much better than I expected. As in MySQL, there’s also a JSON_EXTRACT on SQLite. However, it automatically unquotes JSON strings. Also, we don’t need to wrap the RHS with a JSON function whatsoever. It just works.

So, the data__owner__other_pets__0__name='Fishy' lookup translates into:

SELECT * FROM myapp_dog WHERE JSON_EXTRACT(data, '$.owner.other_pets[0].name') = 'Fishy'

We just need to fix exact lookup if the RHS is None and isnull lookup so that it uses the JSON_TYPE function to determine JSON null value and missing keys, which I have explained a few times before. Other than that, we’re good to go!

And, that’s it! We have (pretty much) completed all the lookups and transforms for JSONField. In the next few posts, I’ll probably explain how I found a vulnerability in contrib.postgres.fields.JSONField and do some recaps to wrap everything up. Until then, see you!